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Color Invasion was a game that I thought up by drawing out my ideas on a note card. I would not say that the game is exactly the most impressive thing I have ever done, but I do feel like it does a good job of showing how my skills progressed.

After making a few games, I knew that I wanted to continue on and make more. In this app, I pushed development on improved animations and better UI. Astro-Scape and Murican’ Ninja in particular were two games with UI that is fundamentally very poor. One of the biggest factors was simplicity and color scheme. Astro-Scape suffered from cluttered UI and a really dull color scheme. Color Invasion took in a lighter tone and more fun overall design. It was interesting learning to develop a game that took in more than one finger at a time for input and was focused around a more defensive approach to game play.

Unfortunately, the source code for this game was lost due to me not knowing how to use git at the time. However, it remains on the App Store to this day and is actually my most downloaded and played game.